Decree Law No. 41
to 7 Rabi' Al-Awwal 1444 H
Civil Personal

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates,
Pursuant to the perusal of the Constitution;
Federal Law No. (1) of 1972 on the competencies of Ministries and powers of
Ministers, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (5) of 1985 on the issuance of the Civil Transactions Law, and
its amendments;
Federal Law No. (11) of 1992 on the issuance of the Criminal Procedure Law, and
its amendments;
Federal Law No. (21) of 1997 on determining dowry in the marriage contract and
its expenses;
Federal Law No. (28) of 2005 on Personal Status, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (13) of 2020 public health;
Federal Decree-Law No. (31) of 2021 on the issuance of the Crimes and Penalties
Law, and its amendments;
Federal Decree-Law No. (10) of 2022 on regulating the registration of births and
Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2022 on regulating the Notary Public
Federal Decree-Law No. (35) of 2022 on issuing the Law of Evidence in Civil and
Commercial Transactions;
Federal Decree-Law No. (32) of 2022 on the Federal Judicial Authority;
Federal Decree-Law No. (33) of 2022 on the Federal Supreme Court; and
Based on the proposal of the Minister of Justice, and the approval of the
Council of Ministers;
issued the followed Decree-Law:
1 - Scope of Application of the Decree-Law
The provisions of this Decree-Law shall apply to non-Muslims who are citizens of
the United Arab Emirates, and to non-Muslim foreigners residing in the State
unless one of them adheres to the application of their law, with regard to
articles of marriage, divorce, inheritance, wills, and proof of parentage,
without prejudice to the provisions of Articles (12), (13), (15), (16), and (17)
of the aforementioned Federal Law No. (5) of 1985.
Those addressed by the provisions of this Decree-Law, referred to in Clause (1)
of this Article, may agree to apply other legislation regulating family or
personal status in force in the State, instead of applying the provisions of
this Decree-Law.
The provisions of this Decree-Law shall apply to all incidents that occur after
the entry into force of its provisions.
2- Calculation of Time Limits
Gregorian calendar shall be adopted in calculating the time limits stipulated in
this Decree-Law.
3- Exception from Bringing before Family Guidance Committees
lawsuits filed in accordance with the provisions of this Decree-Law shall be
excluded from being referred to family guidance committees, and shall be
referred directly to the court for issuance of judgement in the first
4 - Equality Between Men and Women in Terms of Rights and Duties
applying the provisions of this Decree-Law, equality between women and men in
terms of rights and duties shall be taken into account, and this shall apply in
particular to the following matters:
Testimony: There shall be equality in testimony before the court, and the
testimony of a woman before the court shall be considered the same as the
testimony of a man without distinction.
Inheritance: Equality between men and women in the distribution of inheritance
according to the provisions of this Decree-Law.
Right to request a divorce: Husband and wife alike shall have the right, each of
his own will, to request the signing of a divorce from the court without
prejudice to their rights related to divorce.
Joint custody: Women and men shall have equal right to joint custody of a child
until they reach the age of (18) eighteen years, after which the child shall
have freedom of choice.
Marriage Provisions
5 - Civil Marriage
a civil marriage contract to be valid, the following conditions shall be
Both husband and wife shall have reached at least (21) twenty-one Gregorian
years of age. Age shall be proven by any official document issued by the state
to which each of them belongs by nationality.
Marriage shall not take place between siblings, children, grandchildren, uncles,
aunts, and in any other cases as determined by the Implementing
Both spouses shall be required to give consent to the marriage before the
Officiant (judge), and prove that there is no legal impediment that prevents
considering their consent.
Signature of both spouses shall be affixed on the disclosure form.
Any other conditions set out in the Implementing Regulation of this
6 - Procedures for Holding and Authenticating a Civil Marriage
Marriage procedures may be concluded before the Officiant (judge) at the
competent court, by submitting an application according to the form prepared for
this purpose, taking into account the conditions and other procedures stipulated
in this Decree-Law and its Implementing Regulation.
Marriage shall be concluded by the spouses filling out the form prepared for
that before the Officiant (judge), and the spouses shall have the right to agree
on the terms of the contract. The provisions of this contract regarding the
rights of each of the husband and the wife during the marriage period and
post-divorce rights, and in particular the joint custody of the children, shall
be considered between them.
The marriage contract form shall include a disclosure by each of the spouses of
the existence of any other previous marital relationship for either of them,
indicating the date of divorce, if any, in addition to the wife’s
acknowledgement that there is no existing marital relationship. The husband
shall submit this acknowledgement in case his legislation does not allow him
polygamy. In all cases, the husband shall disclose any existing marital
relationship before the Officiant (judge).
The contract shall include what indicates the consent of each of them, either
verbally or in writing.
The Implementing Regulation of this Decree-Law shall specify the bilingual
contract form approved for civil marriage.
After verifying that all the conditions for a civil marriage contract are met,
and after completing the procedures stipulated in this article, the Officiant
(judge) shall certify the marriage contract, and it shall be recorded in the
register prepared for this purpose.
and its Procedures
7- Divorce by Unilateral Will
request and sign a divorce, it suffices that one of the spouses expresses before
the court their desire to separate and not continue the marital relationship,
without the need for justifying that request, or demonstrating a harm caused, or
blaming the other party.
8 - Divorce Procedures
spouse may request a divorce without the need to prove any harm, according to
the form prepared for that purpose, and the divorce shall take place by court
ruling after notifying the other party.
9 - Spousal Maintenance
divorced woman shall have the right to request the Court to make an order for
spousal maintenance from her ex-husband, and any post-divorce requests before
the court shall be added according to the form prepared for that purpose. The
acceptance and duration of the request shall be subject to the discretionary
power of the judge after evaluating the following factors:
The number of years of marriage, where the amount of spousal maintenance shall
increase with the number of years of marriage.
The age of the wife, where the value of spousal maintenance shall decrease with
the decrease in the age of the wife, and vice versa.
The financial situation of each of the spouses, according to a report prepared
by an accounting expert who shall be delegated by the court to assess the
economic situation of each of the spouses.
The extent of the husband's contribution to the divorce through negligence or
error, or through commission thereby of any act that led to the divorce.
Compensation of each of the spouses by the other for any material or moral
damage caused to them as a result of the divorce.
Financial damages incurred by either spouse as a result of the request to sign
the divorce by unilateral will.
Coverage, by the father, of the expenses and costs of the mother’s custody
of the children during joint custody, for a temporary period not exceeding two
years, according to the results of the accounting expert’s report.
The extent of the wife's interest in taking care of the children or not.
In all cases, the wife's spousal maintenance shall cease in the event of her
marriage to another man, and in the event that her custody of the children ends
for any reason. A new application may be submitted to amend the spousal
maintenance after each year or depending on the change of circumstances.
10 - Joint Custody
Custody of children is a post-divorce joint and equal right of both the father
and the mother. Children shall also have the right not to face bias towards one
parent over the other through upbringing and visitation, in order to preserve
the psychological health of the child in custody and limit the effects of
divorce on the children.
As a general rule, a custody of children is the sharing of responsibility of
raising the children after the divorce has taken place by the father and mother
together, unless the two parties submit a request to the court to establish
custody for the party who is worthy of fulfilling the interests of the child in
custody, or one of them requests a written waiver before the court of their
right to custody, or submits a request to the court to dismiss the other party
from joint custody and impose forfeiture of their right to custody for any
reason acceptable to the court, such as impediments to legal competence, the
danger posed by the sharing of custody by the defendant custodian, or the joint
custodian not performing their duties. The Implementing Regulation of this
Decree-Law prescribes the cases of dismissing the other party from custody and
imposing forfeiture of their right to it.
In the event that the father and mother disagree on any matter of joint custody,
either of them shall have the right to submit a request to the court according
to the form prepared for that purpose to object or request the intervention of
the court to decide on the matter in dispute.
The court shall have the discretionary power to decide what it deems appropriate
for the interest of the child in custody, based on the request of either parent
after the divorce.
11- Distribution of Estate
The legator shall have the right to leave a will covering the entire amount of
money they own in the State for whoever they want in accordance with the
controls specified by the Implementing Regulation of this Decree-Law.
In the absence of a will, half of the estate shall go to the husband or wife,
and the other half shall be distributed equally among the children, without any
difference between male and female. If the deceased had no children, the estate
shall devolve to the parents of the deceased, if they are alive, and shall be
divided equally among them, or half of the estate shall devolve to one of them
in the absence of the other, while the other half shall devolve to his siblings,
or all the estate shall devolve to one of the parents in the absence of the
other and the absence of the husband of the legator or his children or siblings.
In the event that the parents are not present, the entire inheritance shall
devolve to the siblings of the legator and shall be distributed equally among
them, without any distinction between male and female.
By way of exception from the provisions of Clause (2) of this Article, any of
the heirs of a foreigner may request the application of the law applicable to
the estate in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Civil
Transactions Law, unless there is a registered will to the contrary.
12 - Procedures for Opening the Estate File and Distributing it
Council of Ministers shall issue the guidelines for inheritance procedures for
those addressed by the provisions of this Decree-Law.
13 - Will Registration Procedures
The wills of those addressed by the provisions of this Decree-Law shall be
recorded in the register prepared for this purpose in accordance with the
procedures specified by the Implementing Regulation of this Decree-Law.
The spouses may fill out a will registration form during the signing of the
marriage contract to indicate how the money will be distributed in the event of
death of either of them.
14 - Proof of Parentage of the Newborn
Parentage of a child shall be established by marriage or by acknowledgement of
the father and mother, and the birth certificate of the child shall be extracted
according to the legislation in force in this regard.
The court may order a DNA test to be conducted, in accordance with the relevant
governing rules, and it shall not issue an order to prove parentage to the one
who claims it except after verifying the following: -
That the child is of unknown parentage.
That the age difference demonstrates the possibility of parentage of the child
to the person claiming it.
The Council of Ministers, based upon the proposal of the Minister of Justice,
may issue a decision regulating the procedures and provisions of adoption and
alternative families and their implications.
15 - Matters for Which No Special Provisions are Laid Down
laws and legislation in force in the State shall apply to matters for which no
specific provisions are laid down in this Decree-Law.
16- Implementing Regulation
Council of Ministers shall issue the Implementing Regulation of this

provision that is contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this
Decree-Law shall be abrogated.
18 - Publication and Entry into Force of the Decree-Law
present Decree-Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come
into force as of 1/2/2023.
by us at the Presidential
to: 7/Rabi' Al-Awwal/1444 H.
Mohamed bin
Zayed Al Nahyan
President of the
State of the United Arab Emirates
This Federal Decree-Law was published in the
Official Gazette, Issue No. 737 (Annex) p. 149.